Pricing Options

  1. You have the flexible Pay-Per-Visit option, with an initial consultation of 60 minutes for $350 or an extended 90-minute session for $525. Subsequent appointments are available at $200 for 30 minutes or $350 for 60 minutes.

  2. Unlock significant savings with the Prescribing Lifestyle Membership plan. Start with a 60-minute new patient consultation at a discounted rate from $210. Schedule follow-up visits ranging from 15 to 60 minutes.

    Dr. Sayess will provide personalized guidance on the optimal duration for follow-up appointments. Benefit from tiered membership discounts by purchasing consultation time in 1, 4, or 6-hour packages. The more time you secure in advance, the greater the value, up to 40% off!

    Experience the value of membership with a follow-up 15-minute visit starting at an unbeatable $52.50.